OIC Group | Software & Mobile Application Development
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Software & Mobile Application Development

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Software Application Development

Trust your specialized software programming and application development needs to a development company with over 25 years of software engineering experience.

If you need your current software application enhanced or fixed, or need a new piece of software developed, we’ve got you taken care of. Our talented team of programmers at Online Innovative Creations can take your requirements and turn it into a quality custom application that fits your budget and timeframe in a variety of programming languages including: PHP, Javascript, Java, C#, .NET, Python, Dart and Flutter.

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are clearly embedded in our daily lives and continue growing. From phones & tablets to smart appliances and smart homes, Mobile apps allow users to have easy access to the products, information and services that they need in real-time.


Developing mobile apps are a lot of work, especially when they need to be “cross-platform” (meaning the apps need to run on Android devices, Apple iOS devices and potentially other platforms). With the plethora of different manufacturers and devices on the market it has historically been a long and expensive process to create an app that functions across the market.


Newer technologies, specifically Google’s Flutter platform, now make creating a cross-platform mobile app significantly faster. Creating an app that looks great and functions properly on the web, on Android phones and on Apple iOS phones is now within the reach of any small business. Trust the experienced development team at Online Innovative Creations Group to design and develop your next mobile applications.